Our mission at Christ Crucified is to make Christ known and loved through the Passion.
Join us as we enter Phase 2 of our mission development plan:
Join us as we enter Phase 2 of our mission development plan:
"Visiting the Imprisoned"
Partner with us today to bring spiritual deliverance, hope, healing, peace, and purpose to incarcerated persons in 2025.
No one is beyond repentance and redemption.
"…We can have no genuine hope of peace and salvation apart from Christ crucified!"
Servant of God Jacques Fesch |
Jacques Fesch may some day be a patron saint of incarcerated persons. The young Frenchman lived a feckless and self-indulgent life, abandoning his young wife and their daughter and fathering a child by another woman. On February 24, 1954, at the age of 24, Jacques killed a police officer while escaping a robbery. In 1957, he was executed for his crime. In 1993, his cause for beatification was formally opened in Rome. Today we know him as Servant of God Jacques Fesch.
What happened to Jacques in prison is nothing short of miraculous. Initially indifferent to his plight, Fesch mocked his lawyer's Catholic faith, nicknaming him, "the panther of God". Influenced by three godly Catholic men who visited him regularly, he slowly began to change... |
A year later, he experienced a profound conversion and came to deeply regret his crime. He corresponded regularly with his family, kept a spiritual journal, accepted his fate peacefully, and was reconciled to his wife before his execution. Following his death, his wife published his prison letters as an example of redemption; they have since inspired and edified untold numbers.
God's grace can pierce any heart, no matter how seemingly hopeless. No one is beyond repentance and redemption.
God's grace can pierce any heart, no matter how seemingly hopeless. No one is beyond repentance and redemption.
"...as you did it to one of the least of these...you did it to me."
Matthew 25:40
Matthew 25:40
In the Parable of the Sheep and Goats, Jesus powerfully and plainly lays out how we love him through those suffering in our midst, and what we must do to spend eternity with him in heaven. The Church codifies these as the Corporal Works of Mercy: feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, visit the sick and imprisoned, and bury the dead.
Visiting the Imprisoned is perhaps the most underrepresented Work of Mercy by Christians today. Yet Christ - who, himself, was a prisoner - calls us to minister not just to the victim, but to the offender as well. Prison ministry benefits society as a whole, as recidivism and "generational" crime are reduced by religious participation among incarcerated persons, in conjunction with community-based rehabilitation and restoration programs. Working toward offenders' redemption and rehabilitation isn't merely an obscure religious duty, it's an important community responsibility with serious societal implications. Christ Crucified aims to step into the breech with full-time prison ministry efforts in 2025, including spiritual deliverance through Unbound. We seek to fulfill our mission of making Christ known and loved through his Passion to those who are detained and incarcerated, so that our crucified Lord may bring repentance and redemption, healing and hope, peace and purpose, rehabilitation and restoration, reconciliation with victims and restitution, and the betterment of our communities and society. Click here to learn more. |
3 ways to partner with Christ Crucified to
Visit the Imprisoned
in 2025:
Visit the Imprisoned
in 2025:
- Pray - Pray and offer your suffering for all affected by crime and incarceration, and those who minister to and work with them;
- Provide - Your one-time gift of $50 can help fully fund our prison ministry activities for 2025* Can you give more? Great! Less? Gifts of any size are greatly appreciated;
- Promote - Share this message with others and encourage them to become partners.
* Based on an average gift of $50 from 1,000 partners
Our Partnerships are Personal.
The Body of Christ is communal, not transactional. We want you to be as involved as you feel led. At your discretion, we will provide:
- A "spiritual adoptee" to pray for by name;
- Individual updates about your adoptee;
- Opportunities for letter writing and sending encouragement;
- Other potential opportunities for involvement.
You can also support us by purchasing one of our original-design
Realistic Crucifixes
Realistic Crucifixes
Your purchase or tax-deductible gift helps us
make Christ known and loved.
make Christ known and loved.
Thank you for your partnership.